Planning policy publications

We produce a number of documents relating to planning policy that you can purchase or (in some cases) download.

  • Local Plan documents
  • Non-statutory planning policy guidance documents
  • Development briefs and supplementary planning guidance documents
  • Planning research and information documents
  • Design and conservation documents
  • Local Development Framework documents

Local Plan documents

Cambridge Local Plan documents
ID Publication title Cost where purchased Postage (1st class, 2nd class)
A13 Cambridge Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (CD ROM) [PDF, 10MB] £10 Included in cost
A14 Cambridge Local Plan Inspector's Report (2006) [PDF, 0.8MB] £20 £2.92, £2.30
A15 2006 Cambridge Local Plan £30 £2.38, £1.92
A17 Cambridge Inner Green Belt Boundary Study 2002 £35 £1.38, £1.20
A18 Cambridge Local Plan - Towards 2031: Issues & Options Report £18 £3.50, £2.70
A19 Cambridge Local Plan - Towards 2031: Issues & Options Report - Summary Document £3.50 £2.50, £2.05
A20 Cambridge Local Plan Interim Sustainability Appraisal Report £8.50 £3.50, £2.70
A21 Issues and Options 2, part 1: Joint Consultation of Development Strategy and Site Options on the Edge of Cambridge [PDF, 17MB] £15 £1.24, £.01
A22 Issues and Options 2, part 2: Site Options within Cambridge [PDF, 27MB] £15 £1.76, £1.43
A23 Issues and Options 2, part 1: Sustainability appraisal [PDF, 1MB] £7 £0.92, £0.76
A24 Issues and Options 2, part 2: Sustainability appraisal [PDF, 2MB] £7 £0.92, £0.76
A24 Issues and Options 2, part 2: Sustainability appraisal [PDF, 2MB] £7 £0.92, £0.76
A25 Cambridge Local Plan 2014: Proposed Submission and policies map £27 £5.85, £4.60
A26 Cambridge Local Plan 2014: Sustainability Appraisal [PDF, 2MB] £19 £1.33, £1.09
A27 Cambridge Local Plan 2014: Proposed Submission, policies map and Sustainability Appraisal [PDF, 2MB] £48 £7.50, £6.85
A28 Cambridge Local Plan 2018 [PDF, 14MB] including policies map [PDF, 12.5MB] £40 £8.26, £4.81

Non-statutory planning policy guidance documents

Non-Statutory Planning Policy Guidance documents
ID Publication title Cost where purchased Postage (1st class, 2nd class)
B1 Open Space and Recreation Strategy (2011) £15 £0.70, £0.60
B2 Guidance for Interpretation and Implementation of Open Space Standards (July 2006) Free n/a
B3 Planning Enforcement Service - Enforcement Policy (2000) £5 £0.70, £0.60
B4 Interim Planning Policy Guidance on the Protection of Public Houses in the City of Cambridge £2 £2.50, £2.05
B5 Access Design Guide (1992) £5 £0.70, £0.60
B6 Land West of Trumpington Road (2003) £30 Included in cost
B7 An Assessment of Open Spaces in Cambridge - Vol 1(1999) £15 £0.70, £0.60
B8 Cambridge Environment Strategy Free n/a
B9 An Assessment of Open Space in Cambridge - Summary (1999) £5 £0.34, £0.24
B10 Finding Your Way Around the Environment (2004) £1 Included in cost
B11 Sports Provision in Cambridge (2004) £15 £0.70, £0.60
B12 Protected Open Space: Site Details (Individual) £2 £0.34, £0.24
B13 Protected Open Space: Site Details (Complete Set) £200 Included in cost
B14 Informal Planning Policy Guidance: Foodstore Provision in North West Cambridge - Options Report (September 2010) £5 £1.31, £1.14
B15 North West Cambridge Supplementary Retail Study (February 2010), Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners £10 £1.69, £1.39
B16 North West Cambridge Retail Transport Study (June 2010), Atkins £10 £1.31, £1.14
B17 CD Containing Publications B14, B15 and B16 Free £1.03, £0.87

Development briefs and supplementary planning guidance documents

Development briefs and supplementary planning guidance documents
ID Publication title Cost where purchased Postage (1st class, 2nd class)
C1 Sustainable Design & Construction SPD Draft for consultation £10 £0.70, £0.60
C2 Northern Corridor Area Transport Plan (2003) [PDF, 2.5MB] £5 £0.70, £0.60
C3 Western Corridor Area Transport Plan (2003) [PDF, 0.6MB] £5 £0.70, £0.60
C4 Cambridge Walking and Cycling Strategy £10 £0.70, £0.60
C5 Provision of Public Art of New Development Schemes (2003) [PDF, 14Kb] £2 £0.48, £0.40
C6 Bradwells Court Planning & Design Brief (2002) [PDF, 0.2MB] £10 £0.34, £0.24
C7 Eastern Corridor Transport Plan (2002) [PDF, 0.2MB] £5 £0.70, £0.60
C8 Southern Area Transport Plan (2002) [PDF, 0.2MB] £5 £0.48, £0.40
C9 Planning Obligation Strategy 2004 [PDF, 1MB] £10 Included in cost
C10 Cromwell Road (March 2001) £10 £0.34, £0.24
C11 Simoco Site (March 2001) £10 £0.34, £0.24
C13 Station Area Development Framework (Adopted April 2004)  [PDF, 1MB] £10 £0.98, £0.83
C14 Southern Fringe Area Development Framework  [PDF, 21MB] £15 £0.98, £0.83
C15 Sustainable Design & Construction SPD £15 £0.98, £0.83

Car Park & Cycle Standards (2004)

Free n/a
C18 Open Space & Recreation Strategy: Statement of Consultation (2004) £10 £0.70, £0.60
C19 Eastern Gate Development Framework Draft SPD (2011) [PDF, 30MB] £7.05 £1.69, £1.39
C20 Mill Road Depot Draft SPD £10 £1.27
C21 Sustainability Appraisal Screening Report Free £0.60

Planning research and information documents

Planning research and information documents
ID Publication title Cost where purchased Postage (1st class, 2nd class)
D1 Cambridge Urban Capacity Study - Main Report (2002) £15 £2.92, £2.30
D2 Cambridge Urban Capacity Study Technical Appendix (2002) £20 £2.92, £2.30
D3 Cambridge Tourism Strategy Action Plan 2003-2004 £3 £0.48, £0.40
D4 Housing Needs Study (2002) [PDF, 3MB] £20 £1.84, £1.52
D6 Research Report V, Research into Key Worker and Affordable Housing in the Cambridge Area Available from: The Publications Secretary, Cambridge Housing and Planning Research Dept of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, 19 Silver Street, Cambridge
D7 Housing Development Survey: Research Findings Report (2001) £15 £0.70, £0.60
D8 Cambridge Urban Expansion. Final Report (2001) £50 £2.92, £2.30
D10 Cambridge Tourism Strategy 2001-2006. Summary Free n/a
D11 Cambridge Tourism Strategy 2001-2006 £10 £0.48, £0.40
D12 Cambridge Tourism User Survey 2003 £10 £0.48, £0.40
D16 Cambridge Sub-Region Retail Study (2008) [PDF, 0.6MB] £50 (Report)
£100 (Appendices)
£2.18, £1.76
£2.68, £2.11
D17 Housing Development & Design Guide (March 2001)  [PDF, 0.5MB] £5 £0.70, £0.60
D18 The Payment of Commuted Sums in Lieu of On-Site Affordable Housing Provision (14 July 1999) £5 £1.42, £1.20
D19 BMG Research Report (April 2004)  [PDF, 0.3MB] £25 £0.98, £0.83
D20 Economic Development Strategy 2004-2007 £10 £0.70, £0.60
D21 Housing Needs Survey (March 1998) £10 £0.70, £0.60
D22 Cambridge Green Belt: Towards 2016 £20 £0.98, £0.83
D23 Monitoring of Employment & Retail Planning Permissions. Starts and Completions (2005) £10 £0.70, £0.60
D24 Monitoring of Residential & Student Accomodation on Planning Permissions, Starts & Completions (2004) £10 £0.70, £0.60
D25 Protection and Funding of Routes for the Future Expansion of the City Cycle Network £5 £0.70, £0.60
D26 Planning Obligations SPD £15 £0.70, £0.60
D27 Planning Obligations Sustainability Appraisal £5 £0.70, £0.60
D28 Employment Land Review 2008 £40 £0.90, £0.74

Design and conservation documents

Design and conservation documents
ID Publication title Cost where purchased Postage (1st class, 2nd class)
E2 The Kite Conservation Appraisal (2014) [PDF, 29MB] £7.50 £0.98, £0.83
E7 Trumpington Conservation Area Appraisal [PDF, 6MB] £7.50 (£2.50 to Trumpington residents) £0.70, £0.60
E8 Newnham Croft Conservation Area Appraisal (2013) [PDF, 5.5MB] £7.50 (£2.50 to Newnham residents) £0.70, £0.60
E9 Mill Road Area Conservation Area Appraisal [PDF, 9.5MB] £7.50 (£2.50 to Mill Road and St Matthews residents) £0.98, £0.83
E10 Southacre Conservation Area Appraisal (2013) [PDF, 6MB] £7.50 (£2.50 to Southacre residents) £0.70, £0.60
E11 Green Street: From No Street to New Street (1999) £10 £0.70, £0.60
E12 Brooklands Avenue Conservation Area Appraisal (2013) [PDF, 4MB] £7.50 £0.48, £0.40
E13 Cambridge Landscape Character Assessment [PDF, 18MB] £25 £4.25
E14 Bricks & Brickmaking. Cambridgeshire County Council £1 £0.70, £0.60
E15 The Religious Houses of Cambridgeshire. Cambridgeshire County Council £5 £0.98, £0.83
E16 Storey's Way Conservation Area Appraisal [PDF, 3MB] £7.50 (£2.50 for residents) £0.65, £0.53
E17 Masonry. Cambridgeshire County Council £1 £0.70, £0.60
E18 Veteran Trees in Cambridge £1 £0.70, £0.60
E19 What are Buildings of Local Interest? Free £0.34, £0.24
E20 Coe Fen and Sheeps Green conservation plan 2011 [PDF, 21MB] £30 Included in cost
E21 Christ's Piece & New Square Conservation Plan 2001 £30 Included in cost
E22 Midsummer Common Conservation Plan 2001 £30 Included in cost
E23 Parker’s Piece Conservation Plan [PDF, 22.5MB] £30 Included in cost
E24 Nature Conservation Strategy 'Enhancing Biodiversity' £15 £1.84, £1.52
E25 Cycle Parking Guide for New Residential Developments £6

£0.65 £0.53

E26 West Cambridge Conservation Area Appraisal [PDF, 13.5MB] £7.50 (£2.50 for residents)

£0.65 £0.53

Local Development Framework documents

Local Development Framework documents
ID Publication title Cost where purchased Postage (1st class, 2nd class)
G1 Cambridge East Area Action Plan Preferred Options Report £5 Included in cost
G2 Objection Sites Public Consultation £5 Included in cost
G3 Cambridge East Area Action Plan 2006 (Submission Draft) £10 Included in cost
G4 Cambridge Local Development Framework: Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report [PDF, 0.9MB] £5 £0.70, £0.60
G5 Cambridge East Area Action Plan Pre-submission public participation draft £10 Included in cost
G6 Cambridge East Area Action Plan Monitoring Strategy £1 £0.34, £0.24
G7 Cambridge East Sustainability Appraisal £5 Included in cost
G8 Local Development Scheme £5 £0.48, £0.40
G9 Statement of Community Involvement: Adopted Draft £8 Included in cost
G10 Cambridge East - Site Allocation Policies Representations Consultation £5 Included in cost
G11 North West Cambridge Area Action Plan - Adopted £10 £0.98, £0.83
G12 Cambridge Public House Study £10 £2.50, £2.05
G15 Statement of Community Involvement: A Consultation Strategy for Planning in Cambridge £10 £0.98, £0.83
G16 Annual Monitoring Report December 2010 £5 £0.70, £0.60
G17 Cambridge Development Strategy Issues and Options Report £5 £0.70, £0.60
G18 Interim Sustainability Appraisal Report for the Cambridge Development Strategy (Technical Appendices) [PDF, 1MB] £20 £1.84, £1.52
G19 Affordable Housing SPD £15 £2.01, £1.84
G20 Draft Affordable Housing SPD Sustainability Appraisal £5 £0.70, £0.60
G21 Habitats Regulation Assessment of the Affordable Housing SPD £5 £0.98, £0.83
G24 North West Area Action Plan Habitats Directive Assessment Preferred Options Draft £10 £0.98, £0.83
G25 North West Cambridge Transport Study & CD £10 £0.98, £0.83
G26 North West Cambridge Site Footprint Assessment £15 £1.42, £1.20
G27 North West Cambridge Junction Access Study £5 £0.48, £0.40
G28 Scoping Report from North West Cambridge Area Action Plan (Addendum to Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council LDF Scoping Reports) £5 £0.70, £0.60
G30 North West Cambridge Area Action Plan Sustainability Appraisal £10 £2.68, £2.11
G32 North West Cambridge Area Action Plan Site Footprint Assessment £5 £2.18, £1.76
G33 North West Cambridge Area Action Plan -Submission Draft Local Evidence Base for Climate Change and Sustainable Design and Construction £5 £1.69, £1.39
G34 North West Cambridge Area Action Plan - Land Budget Paper £5 £1.03, £0.87
G36 Old Press/ Mill Lane Supplementary Planning Document £15 £1.31, £1.14
G37 Sustainability Appraisal for Old Press/ Mill Lane SPD £5 £1.31, £1.14
G40 Sustainability Appraisal of Draft Public Art SPD [PDF, 0.3MB] £5 £1.31, 1.14
G41 Public Art SPD - Consultation Draft £5 £1.31, £1.14

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