Planning Obligations Strategy SPD

The Planning Obligations Strategy Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) will provide the framework for the negotiation and use of planning obligation monies across the city.

Its main purpose is to provide the mechanisms to secure:

  • provision of new infrastructure or improvements to existing infrastructure
  • measures to mitigate the adverse impacts of development
  • measures to address the needs identified to accommodate the projected growth of Cambridge and, where appropriate, the surrounding area

The SPD was adopted by the Environment Scrutiny Committee on 16 March 2010.

Adoption of the document followed a period of public consultation, which took place between 16 April and 29 May 2007. This consultation offered an opportunity for people to comment on the draft planning obligations strategy and its accompanying sustainability appraisal. Following consultation, a number of changes were made to the draft document.

If you require any further information about the Planning Obligations Strategy SPD, contact us at

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