Eastern Gate SPD

The Eastern Gate study area lies to the east of the city centre. It encompasses a sizeable area that stretches from the Crown Court, past the Elizabeth Way roundabout to the beginning of the Cambridge Retail Park.

Proposal sites 7.01 and 7.03, located south of Newmarket Road and East Road and identified within the Cambridge Local Plan (2006) , fall within the study area.

Cambridge City Council has prepared the Eastern Gate Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to address the widespread recognition of the need to improve the physical environment within the study area.

In addition, increased developer activity within the area has created growing pressure for the production of planning guidance to help coordinate and guide future redevelopment in line with the council's Local Plan policies and objectives.

The adopted SPD can be viewed by selecting the link below, along with other documents associated with the adoption of the document:

Purpose of the SPD

The vision for the Eastern Gate area is focused on regenerating and transforming this key approach to the city through high-quality development coupled with key projects that will connect people with places.

The Eastern Gate SPD provides clear guidance on the city council's redevelopment aspirations for the Eastern Gate area. It provides a framework that will co-ordinate and guide future redevelopment in line with Cambridge Local Plan policies and is an important step in helping to reshape this area of the city.

The purpose of the SPD is:

  • to articulate a clear vision about the future of the Eastern Gate area
  • to establish a development framework to coordinate redevelopment within the area and guide decisions (by the council and others)
  • to identify a series of key projects, to attract and guide investment (by the council and others) within the area.

Sustainability appraisal

The Eastern Gate Development Framework SPD has been subject to a sustainability appraisal. This is to ensure that the proposals contained in the document can be considered in light of information on their social, economic and environmental impacts.

The sustainability appraisal was also made available for consultation at the same time as the draft SPD. No proposed changes were made to the sustainability appraisal in light of the representations received.


The Eastern Gate Development Framework SPD was adopted at Environment Scrutiny Committee on Tuesday 4 October 2011. It follows on from the production of the Eastern Gate Visioning Document (see background documents, below). Both documents were produced in consultation with the local community, members and key stakeholders.

All representations received during the public consultation period (Monday 13 June-Monday 25 July 2011) were assessed by council officers.

Background documents

A number of background documents have helped to inform the preparation of the Eastern Gate Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document. These are as follows:

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