Local Plan review: Issues and Options 2 consultation

The second stage of the consultation on the Local Plan review was the Issues and Options 2 consultation which ran from 7 January to 18 February 2013. The document was split into two parts.

Part one, 'Joint Consultation of Development Strategy and Site Options on the Edge of Cambridge', produced in partnership with South Cambridgeshire District Council, included potential sites that could be allocated for residential, employment or other uses in the Local Plan. It also included site options for a community stadium.

It built upon the Issues and Options consultations that the councils had already undertaken and provided background information in relation to the housing and employment needs for the area as a whole, as well as outlining what that meant for the future development strategy.

Part two, 'Site Options within Cambridge', included site options within the urban area for a range of uses, new residential car parking standards, cycle parking standards, residential space standards, and site designations.

The site allocations focused on strategic sites that were considered central to the achievement of the development strategy for Cambridge, for example achievement of housing requirements or land for employment development.

The designations included areas of protection, such as protected open space, and land-use designations such as local and district centres.

We asked the public and statutory consultees to let us know what they thought about these sites and standards and held a series of exhibitions around the city (see below) to enable residents to find out more and ask us any questions.


The consultation ran for six weeks, from 7 January to 18 February 2013. To view all representations, visit our online consultation system.

Consultation documents

Hard copies of the documents can be purchased from the customer service centre or posted to you on request. Prices are:

  • Part one: £15 plus £1.24 (first class postage) or £1.01 (second class postage)
  • Part two: £15 plus £1.76 or £1.43
  • Parts one and two: £30 plus £3.29 or £2.54
  • Part one sustainability appraisal: £7 plus £0.92 or £0.76
  • Part two sustainability appraisal: £7 plus £0.92 or £0.76


A series of exhibitions across Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire were held, giving you the opportunity to speak to council officers about the consultation documents.

Some of these were joint exhibitions, which were advertised in each council's magazine and were attended by officers of both councils (these exhibitions are highlighted in bold).

Dates and venues were:

  • 7 January, 2.30pm to 7.30pm, at Grantchester Village Hall
  • 8 January, 2.30pm to 7.30pm, at Castle Street Methodist Church
  • 9 January, 2.30pm to 7.30pm, at the Swifts, Haggis Gap, Fulbourn
  • 10 January, 2.30pm to 7.30pm, at the Hub, Cambourne Community Centre
  • 12 January, midday to 4pm, at the Jubilee Room, Trumpington Village Hall
  • 14 January, 2.30pm to 7.30pm, at the Small Hall, Guildhall
  • 16 January, 2.30pm to 7.30pm, at Memorial Hall, Woollards Lane, Great Shelford
  • 18 January, 2.30pm to 7.30pm, at Room 2, Meadows Community Centre, 1 St Catharine's Road
  • 21 January, 2.30pm to 7.30pm, at the Small Hall, Guildhall
  • 22 January, 2.30pm to 7.30pm, at Histon and Impington recreation ground
  • 25 January, 2.30pm to 7.30pm, at the Large Meeting Room, Cherry Hinton Village Centre
  • 26 January, midday to 4pm, at Atrium Hall, Netherhall School and Sixth Form College
  • 28 January, 5pm to 8.30pm, at Newnham Croft Primary School, Chedworth Street
  • 1 February, 2.30pm to 7.30pm, at Brown's Fields Youth and Community Centre, 31a Green End Road
  • 14 February, 5pm to 7pm, at the Dublin Suite, Cambridge United Football Club

Next steps

We analysed and considered all your responses, using them to refine the policies that will be included in the Local Plan.

We then drafted the Cambridge Local Plan 2014: Proposed Submission, which was subject to a further round of public consultation in Summer 2013 prior to being submitted to the Secretary of State for examination. To find out the progress of the examination, visit the Local Plan Examination page.

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