Cambridge Investment Partnership secures planning permission for the redevelopment of ATS and Murketts site on Histon Road

Cambridge Investment Partnership (CIP), the equal partnership between Cambridge City Council and award-winning housebuilder, The Hill Group, has been granted planning permission to redevelop the ATS and Murketts site on Histon Road, Cambridge.

The site, formerly home to the Murketts car dealership and an unused workshop area of the ATS commercial unit, will be transformed into a residential development comprising 70 new homes – 28 council homes and 42 market-sale properties.

Throughout the planning process, CIP has worked closely with residents and stakeholders, making design changes to the initial planning submission in response to feedback from council officers and the public.

Cllr Gerri Bird, Executive Councillor for Housing at Cambridge City Council and CIP board member, comments, “At a time when there is a pressing need nationwide for high-quality, sustainable housing—especially new council homes—we are pleased to see the approval of our development on Histon Road.

“This project is a key part of the council’s ongoing efforts across Cambridge to enhance living standards for current council tenants, build additional council homes to meet local demand, and address broader housing challenges, including the need for larger family homes.”

Tom Hill, Managing Director at The Hill Group, adds, “Throughout the pre-planning process, we engaged with the local community by hosting several consultation events. Following our initial submission, we continued to work closely with planning officers and community members to incorporate their feedback and address any concerns.

“As a result, we made several changes to enhance the overall design and functionality of the development. This careful consideration of public feedback underscores our commitment to creating a high-quality, sustainable development that fosters community interaction while meeting the needs and expectations of local residents.”

Access to Histon Road Recreation Ground

The original application proposed two new access points to Histon Road Recreation Ground – one in the centre and one on the eastern side closer to Histon Road. While these connections aimed to benefit the community, public feedback during the consultation period raised concerns about the central access point, particularly regarding increased foot traffic through the play area and the safety of children.

In response to these concerns, CIP, in consultation with the Local Planning Authority, revised the plans. The central connection to the park has been removed, though the pocket park and visual connection have been retained.

In the new layout, the eastern connection remains and has been enhanced, creating a safe, well-overlooked pedestrian route that improves the overall connectivity to Histon Road Recreation Ground. Additionally, adjustments to the existing railings on the recreation ground have been made to segregate the new path from the playground, further addressing public safety concerns.

The sustainable gas-free development will feature a mixture of two, three and four bedroom terraced and semi-detached homes, as well as one, two and three bedroom apartments. The design emphasises reducing carbon emissions, lowering energy bills, and minimising annual maintenance costs. Secure cycle storage and good pedestrian links promote sustainable travel and transport, with key facilities within walking distance.

Retention of existing trees on the site and in the neighbouring park will help integrate the new housing within its surroundings and provide shade and screening. Native hedgerows and wildflowers will be included along the northern and southern boundaries and on the southern boundary of the pocket park to provide vital habitats for a wide variety of species and enhance biodiversity.