Councils set to tackle housing challenges in Greater Cambridge in the next five years

Affordable housing, improving housing conditions and building low carbon homes are among priorities in a new strategy plan for Greater Cambridge for the next five years.

South Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridge City Council have drawn up a comprehensive plan on how both councils can address housing needs until 2029.

The Greater Cambridge Housing Strategy 2024 to 2029 [PDF, 2.5MB] sets out aims and priorities for new and existing homes - including building the right homes in the right places that people can afford to live in, and improving existing homes.

The vision includes high quality, low-carbon, energy and water-efficient homes.

Following a public consultation, which gathered the views of a wide range of interested groups including people who live and work in the region, the Strategy was approved by both councils.

Cllr John Batchelor, Lead Cabinet Member for Housing at South Cambridgeshire District Council, said: “Greater Cambridge is an expensive place to buy or rent a home. High prices are fuelled by high demand, which itself is fuelled by the strength of the local economy and in-migration of highly skilled workers. For those on low incomes, the housing options are scarce, with a reliance on social housing for rent. Affordable housing is a cornerstone of a thriving community. It’s vital that the District and City council work together to provide housing for all and ensure that Greater Cambridge is a place where everyone can live, work, and prosper. By investing in affordable housing, and low carbon builds we invest in the future of our communities and the well-being of all of our residents.”

Cllr Gerri Bird, Executive Councillor for Housing at Cambridge City Council, said: “Our new housing strategy demonstrates our ongoing commitment to tackling the housing crisis by ensuring local people have comfortable, sustainable and affordable homes to live in. As well as building new affordable homes where they are really needed, we will do all we can to improve the situation of people living in homes that are currently inadequate or no longer fit for purpose, and to help our more vulnerable residents remain living in their own homes for as long as possible.

“Our shared vision as outlined in the strategy will also mean more homes in the Greater Cambridge area are energy and water-efficient to help people struggling with bills, and to help us all tackle the climate crisis.”

The Strategy will update and replace the 2019 to 2023 Greater Cambridge Housing Strategy. It demonstrates the councils’ shared priorities, as well as where priorities differ between the two, forms the basis of a more detailed annual action plan. Priorities include:

  • Increasing the supply of new homes, including affordable housing.
  • Enabling the housing market to meet a wide range of local housing needs and support sustainable growth.
  • Mitigating and adapting to climate change in new and existing homes.
  • Tackling the ‘Affordability’ Challenge.
  • Promoting health and wellbeing, tackling poverty, and promoting equality.
  • Improving housing conditions, management and safety of homes, and making best use of existing homes.
  • Preventing homelessness.

Challenges include an ageing population, particularly in South Cambridgeshire, as well as population growth. Additionally, both councils face challenges of ambitions to achieve net zero carbon in the years ahead.

A growing ‘affordability gap’ means middle income households are being squeezed out of the market, with limited housing options for home ownership or in the private rented sector. Both councils are also acutely aware of recruitment issues within the local workforce linked to the high cost of housing in the area. Affordable housing  helps to provide options for people on lower to average incomes who would otherwise struggle to afford to rent or buy locally.

The new Strategy was approved in June 2024.