Moving out of your council home

If you want to end your council tenancy and move out of your home, you must give us four weeks’ notice in writing. The notice period starts on a Monday.

You are liable for paying the rent on your property until you move out.

When we receive your notice, we will arrange to visit you to inspect the condition of your home. When we visit, we will notify you of any work you must carry out before you leave the property. We will write to you to confirm what needs doing. You can also ask us any questions you have about the process.

We will also arrange a second inspection at the end of your tenancy, to make sure everything has been done. If you do not attend this inspection we will add an extra week’s rent to your account.

You are liable to pay for any repairs or replacements for damage caused by your or neglect. We will tell you how much any necessary work will cost, according to our Re-chargeable Works Schedule.

We might ask to arrange for prospective new tenants to view the property before you move out.

Before you move out

To prepare for leaving your home you must:

  • leave the property in good condition, empty of all personal property and rubbish. This includes gardens, garages, sheds and outbuildings
  • turn off the electricity, gas and water supplies, close your accounts., and tell us who your suppliers were
  • tidy the gardens and fill any ponds
  • redirect your mail
  • return any unauthorised alterations to their original condition

On the day you move out

When you leave your home you must:

  • remove all personal property and rubbish from the property, including from gardens, garages and outbuildings. We will dispose of anything you leave and charge you for doing so
  • leave the property secure – lock all the doors and windows, including communal doors. You must return all keys to us and we will ask you to sign a declaration that you have done so
  • leave your wheelie bins at the property. They do not need to be empty, but the lids must close

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