Mitigating the impact of urban growth


New housing development, across Cambridge and on the fringes of the city, creates additional demands on facilities and amenities.

Read developer contributions to find out more about how Greater Cambridge Shared Planning secures S106 contributions from developers to help mitigate these impacts.

Every ward in Cambridge has benefitted from a range of S106-funded projects. See our photo gallery of examples of recently completed S106-funded projects [PDF, 7MB].

Projects completed since 2022/23 include:

  • Nightingale Avenue Pavilion (over £650,000 S106 spend, Queen Edith’s ward)
  • Mill Road community centre (over £500,000 S106 spend, Petersfield ward)
  • Chesterton Rec Pavilion (£338,000 S106 spend, East Chesterton ward)
  • Abbey Pool main swimming hall improvements (£202,000 S106 spend, Abbey ward)
  • Chesterton Rec Ground wheel-sport facility/pump track (£93,000 S106 spend, East Chesterton ward)
  • Trumpington Rec environmental enhancements (£56,500 S106 spend, Trumpington ward)
  • Jubilee Gardens: improved access, landscaping, planting and seating (£45,500 S106 spend, West Chesterton ward)

More information

Reports on the use of S106 funds in Cambridge (including the assessment of project proposals and grant applications) have been presented to relevant Council committees. Executive Councillors have allocated around £1 million of S106 funding to mitigating projects in the city since October 2023.

In the last year, there have been reports on:

Further reports are being planned later this year to develop a programme of future S106-funded projects, particularly relating to community facilities, play provision, informal open spaces and indoor and outdoor sports facilities.

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