Equality pledge: Individuals’ pledges


The following people have signed our equality pledge:

  • Laura Adcock
  • Naomi Armstrong
  • Eve Berwin: “For me, a place feels like home when it is made up of lots of different sorts of people. I am absolutely committed to making Cambridge as much of a diverse place as possible, where people don't just tolerate difference but celebrate it. As a member of the LGBT+ community, it is hugely important to me to feel that difference is valued in the community. For me, the more diversity there is in Cambridge, the safer and happier I will feel. As a member of staff at the University of Cambridge, I am hugely committed to celebrating diversity in the workplace and making sure that everyone feels they are appreciated and valued.”
  • Paula Bishop
  • Liz Brennan
  • Susan Caronese: “Equality and diversity are essential components of our society. Having worked for over 30 years in the public sector, I am committed to the provision of good equality and diversity practices. By ensuring everyone is treated fairly and consistently; have accessibility to the services they need; that people get the dignity and respect they deserve, and that differences are celebrated, we are leading by example, taking the positive steps that make a difference and  contribute to changing hearts and minds.”
  • Sean Cleary
  • Alex Collis: “Because I want to see members of my community receiving full and equal rights. We have to show the way by committing ourselves to ensuring equality across the board.”
  • Hannah Copley
  • Louise Crook
  • Helen Crowther
  • Haf Davies
  • Josephine Davies-Warner: “I’m committed to creating a Street Aid volunteer programme that gives everyone the opportunity to take part. Together we can achieve great things!”
  • Sandra Farmer
  • Lesley-Ann George
  • Alice Gilderdale: “Without equality there is no community!”
  • Joe Godwin
  • David Greening
  • Jackie Hanson
  • Vicky Haywood
  • Victoria Jameson: “I am proud to be a part of an organisation where we can embrace and celebrate the diversity of the community we serve and the staff that we employ. Fostering a positive culture where individuals can flourish, as themselves, is precisely why promoting equality and diversity is important to me.”
  • Richard Johnson: “I want to publicly demonstrate that myself and colleagues within the City Council are wholly committed to building a Cambridge that is fair for all no matter your sex or gender, race, religion, disability, nationality or sexuality.”
  • Debbie Kaye: “The equality pledge reflects my own values and I am proud to work for an organisation that is highlighting its support for communities in this way.”
  • Frazer Loveman: “Championing equality is important to me as I want to live in a city that is vibrant and diverse, and that allows people’s differences to be celebrated while also celebrating some of the things that we all have in common. Equality to me means that a person’s unique qualities are not seen as something to categorise them by, but as a lived experience and understanding that can be harnessed to improve the experience of different communities across Cambridge.”
  • Anthony Martinelli: “Diversity is hugely beneficial to Cambridge and the UK.”
  • Russ McPherson
  • Carla McQueen: “I am proud to take this pledge. Being a local councillor and part of the LGBTQ+ community it’s an absolute pleasure to promote equality and bring everyone together.”
  • Matt Nelson
  • Yvonne O’Donnell
  • Akua Obeng-Frimpong: “Diversity is not a concept, it’s a fact of life. Encouraging individuals to take a moment to think about and sign this pledge is a simple and effective way to encourage the appreciation of difference. I'm signing this today in the hope that one day such initiatives won't be needed. A day when all people will be celebrated for who they are and what they bring to the mix of society.”
  • Cheney Payne: “All people deserve to be equal and free from discrimination. I am proud to sign this pledge to commit to doing all I can to ensure that all people in Cambridge are free from prejudice, discrimination and inequality.”
  • Mike Sargeant
  • Alison Scott: “I am committed to a fairer society, local community and workplaces where all are valued and treated with respect. Have spent ca. 17 years of my professional life working for this in public services and sharing my enthusiasm with others.”
  • Patrick Sheil: “Equality is not about either imposing or assuming sameness. Rather, equality aims at fairness across all difference. Protected characteristics offer a starting point for our understanding of the challenges different groups may face. When there are new policies, equality impact assessments (EQIAs) help guard against uneven distribution of any adverse effects. With that in mind, the concept of just transition to a low-carbon economy puts a case that the accentuated vulnerabilities of the poorest people in respect of climate breakdown should not mean that those same poorest are made to pay the most for fixing it. Equality respects and welcomes diversity while also promoting inclusion – especially regarding universal access to services at need.”
  • Victoria Smallbone
  • Martin Smart
  • Hayley Snelgrove
  • Tony Stead
  • Lindsey Tate: “People reach their full potential in the workplace when they are welcome to be themselves. It is an exhausting waste of time and emotional energy to constantly censor yourself, whether that's because your colleagues would react adversely to the time outside of work you devote to religious practice or because you are trying to avoid revealing your partners gender to your co-workers. I see talent being squandered by unwelcoming company cultures constantly.”
  • Katie Thornburrow
  • Jane Wilson

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