Community Right to Challenge

The Community Right to Challenge provides an opportunity to express an interest in running a service that the council presently provides. It can be used by local voluntary and community sector groups or groups of local authority employees.

It was introduced by the government as part of the Localism Act 2011.

You can send us your good ideas for running a service in a different or better way at any time.

Local voluntary and community sector groups are referred to as ‘relevant bodies’ in the statutory guidance.

Expressions of interest

Relevant bodies can submit formal expressions of interest in running a service between 1 June and 31 July each year. This approach allows us to properly consider your proposal as a part of our service-review and budget-setting cycle.

Completed nomination forms should be emailed or posted to us at the contact details below.

If we accept your expression of interest, an open procurement process will begin, which you would be eligible to participate in alongside other potential providers, including private companies.

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