
Our Neighbourhood Community Development team organises a range of projects, events and activities across the city. These are often run in partnership with other organisations or community groups.

Information for new residents

If you are new to the area, these links might help you start to settle in:

North West and West community forum

If you’d like to know more about how your local new neighbourhoods are growing, come to a North West and West community forum.

You’ll find out more about the developments, and have a chance to meet the developers and planners.


Sample activities include:

  • Wednesdays, 10am to midday: Coffee morning at Castle Street Methodist Church
  • Wednesdays, midday to 1.15pm: Strength and balance class at Castle Street Methodist Church
  • Thursdays, 10am to midday: Tots group at Castle Street Methodist Church
  • First Sunday of month, 12.45 to 2pm: Community lunch club at St Augustine's Church

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