Cambridge Arts Network

Cambridge Arts Network (CAN) is a forum of over 1,000 people interested in arts and culture in and around Cambridge. It's co-ordinated and administered by us.

The network hosts an annual arts conference in Cambridge to debate and discuss key issues for the sector.

It produces a regular newsletter that features arts news, jobs, training, conferences, events, projects, funding opportunities and more.

Members can use the CAN website to network, showcase their work and share their latest news, projects or events.

The aims of CAN are to:

  • enable networking, information and skills sharing
  • encourage creative practice by providing a platform for members to meet, discuss, collaborate and strengthen connections
  • disseminate relevant information, opportunities and news to the membership
  • raise the profile of artists, practitioners and organisations in Cambridge
  • create a collective and united voice to champion the arts in Cambridge

Members of CAN include arts organisations and venues, artists, festivals, museums, local councils, educators, students and local media. Members work in the visual arts, music, dance, film and digital media, performing arts, literature and other areas.

Key benefits of joining Cambridge Arts Network

  • Access to the CAN searchable directory of artists, organisations and groups. 
  • Opportunity to upload your profile, showcase examples of work, events and contact details including your social media links. 
  • Receive the regular e-bulletin of news, opportunities, jobs, training and upcoming events.
  • Post news, opportunities, events and activities to the website and e-newsletter which will appear as part of your member profile. 
  • Access to reports, documentation, consultations and research data on local arts issues and topics. 
  • Notice of forthcoming CAN events, including the conference.
  • Find potential collaborators, participants, volunteers, or members with specific specialisms and experience or request feedback on particular projects etc. 
  • Promote your space, equipment or facilities which are available to hire to the whole of the Cambridge arts community.
  • Opportunities to network with a wide variety of other creatives both face-to-face and online. 
  • Receive invites to launches, openings, private views and other key arts events from other CAN members. 
  • Opportunities to set up member led discussion groups and sessions.

To join CAN and subscribe to the email bulletin, you'll need to create a member profile.

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