Your responsibilities as a council tenant

Everyone has the right to a safe space, and not to be disturbed by their neighbours. As a council tenant we expect you to look after your property and treat your neighbours with respect.

Pay your rent. It’s your responsibility to pay your rent on time, and to claim Housing Benefit or Universal Credit as appropriate.

Keep your home tidy and in a good state of repair. Failure to look after your home can affect your property as well as your neighbours. You are liable for repairing any damage you cause, but you must not make any alterations to your home without our permission.

Keep your home secure. Keep your doors locked, including any communal doors, and ask for identification from official visitors. Let us know about broken lights, and consider joining the local neighbourhood watch. We do not hold spare keys – it’s your responsibility to change the locks if you lose your keys.

Look after your garden. If you have trees or bushes in your garden, it is your responsibility to maintain them. If you are not able to maintain your garden, consider moving to alternative accommodation without a garden.

Insure your belongings. You will not be able to claim compensation from us if you are burgled or your possessions are damaged, so you should arrange home contents insurance.

Keep shared areas clear of obstruction. We’ll remove any items that could cause a fire risk or obstruct access or escape during a fire, and charge you for doing so.

Allow access to your property when required for repairs and inspections. Always check the visitor’s identification first. Failure to allow access can result in us seeking an injunction against you, or forcing entry in an emergency.

Control and clear up after your pets. Allowing them to cause a disruption, including a noise nuisance, or to attack other people can be treated as a breach of your tenancy agreement.

Do not use your home for illegal purposes, including committing fraud by subletting or falsely claiming benefits. This can lead to you being evicted, as well as resulting in criminal charges.

Do not run a business from your home without permission. We will not withhold permission unreasonably. Find out about running a business from your council home.

Park responsibly and considerately. Do not block access to your neighbours’ vehicles or property, and do not damage grass verges. With the exception of driveways or hard standing with a dropped kerb, nobody has rights to a particular parking spot. You can rent a garage or parking space from us. You must not park caravans, boats or lorries at your home.

Dispose of your waste in the appropriate bins. Keep them in an appropriate place and keep communal bin areas clean and tidy. We can remove bulky items for you, or you can take them to a household recycling centre.

Treat your neighbours with respect. You are responsible for the behaviour of everyone (including children) living in or visiting your home, inside or outside. Try to resolve any disputes between yourselves, and do not harass, abuse or threaten others – this behaviour can lead to you being evicted.

Tell us if you suspect tenancy fraud. It takes homes away from people on the housing needs register, so we take all reports of tenancy fraud seriously.

Leave your home in a good condition when you move out. There are a number of repairs that are your responsibility. Failure to undertake those repairs before you move out will result in a charge being added to your account.

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