Walking, Cycling and Active Travel Promotion Grants

We provide grants of up to £5,000 to help local groups fund projects that will do one or more of the following:

  • encourage people to walk, cycle or use other forms of active travel more often
  • promote safer walking or cycling
  • encourage people to cycle, or use other forms of active travel, for the first time
  • reduce cycle theft

The grant can only be used for projects in Cambridge. You must repay any grant money that you do not spend on the project or within the agreed timescale.

Apply for a Walking, Cycling and Active Travel Promotion Grant

Contact us if you have any questions about applying or to discuss your project and the likelihood of it receiving funding.

We will consider your application and allocate funds as soon as possible if we accept it. This year, approximately £20,000 is available.


Your group or organisation must:

  • have a clear structure and a bank account
  • not operate for private or personal gain

Your application must:

  • clearly define the project’s aims
  • provide realistic costs for providing the project’s outcomes
  • demonstrate how the project represents value for money
  • demonstrate how the project will be monitored and evaluated

We will expect you to:

  • deliver the project on time
  • manage, account for and report on the use of the grant money efficiently, transparently and accurately
  • ensure that everybody involved in the project is supported and protected by robust and appropriate operating procedures, policies and insurances

We will not fund:

  • projects that promote political parties or are involved in party politics
  • groups or organisations with free reserves but no adopted reserves policy on their management or use
  • groups or organisations that have previously received a city council grant but failed to return monitoring, evaluation or other information requested in connection with the grant
  • organisational overheads or core costs

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