Reporting antisocial behaviour


Unfortunately there is no single point of contact to report all antisocial behaviour to. It depends on what the problem is, how serious it is and how quickly it needs to be dealt with.

Private and housing association tenants or leaseholders should report problems with neighbours or problems in the neighbourhood to their landlord or housing provider.

Other residents and visitors can report problems involving neighbours or problems in the neighbourhood to the Community Safety team.

The team prioritises reports of antisocial behaviour based on their impact or severity. We will talk with you in detail about the problems you are facing, then assess risk and assign your case accordingly. You could be referred to a Housing Officer, an Antisocial Behaviour Officer, or to another agency, as appropriate.

We know it isn't always easy to write down what you have experienced or witnessed when you're frightened or upset. We can deal more effectively with antisocial behaviour when there is good evidence to work with, though.

Reports of antisocial behaviour are treated in confidence at all times. As a witness, you will not be identified unless you have given us permission to do so.

Report antisocial behaviour

If you prefer you can download a printable version of the incident report form [PDF, 96Kb] and email or post it to us.

You should report criminal behaviour to the police. This includes threats of violence, assaults, hate crimes, intimidation, property theft and property damage. Phone 999 in an emergency, otherwise report criminal behaviour online or phone 101.

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