May balls

Report noise from May balls

May balls usually take place in Cambridge in mid-June. We actively monitor the noise levels every night.

If you are disturbed by noise from a ball, phone 01223 457900 or 0300 303 8389 to report it. Our duty officer will respond to you as soon as they can.

Alternatively, you can report noise to us using our Report nuisance complaints form.

Visit our Resolve or report a noise issue page for more information.

May ball handbook

The organisation of a May ball or similar college event can be complex and time consuming, so we provide a handbook as a code of practice for event organisers.

The practical advice it offers will help you make your event a success, keeping it safe for those attending while preventing any unreasonable disturbance to local residents.

The handbook sets out what you need to do when to conform with your legal requirements. Some of these requirements will be conditions attached to your premises licence, including deadlines for submitting documentation about your event.

The advice and guidance applies to any similar college event.

As well as general advice, the handbook includes a series of appendices on specific areas including:

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