Local code of corporate governance

We are responsible for ensuring that our business is conducted in accordance with the law and proper standards.

We must also ensure that public money is safeguarded and properly accounted for, and that is also provides value for money. We have to effectively manage risks, and put in place proper arrangements for the governance of our affairs.

This governance framework is recorded in our Local Code of Corporate Governance [PDF, 0.5MB]. It is based on the ‘seven principles of good governance’:

  • Behaving with integrity and in accordance with our core values
  • Being open and ensuring effective engagement takes place
  • Working together to achieve our intended outcomes
  • Setting goals for economic, social and environmental benefits and reaching them
  • Growing our capacity – including our leadership and the people who work with us
  • Managing risks and performance through robust internal control and strong financial management
  • Implementing good practice in transparency, reporting and audit – delivering effective accountability

The Local Code of Governance is reviewed at least annually. It illustrates the systems and processes that we have put in place to ensure good corporate governance.

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